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Senior Thesis Group Exhibition, May 1 - May 21, 2021, The College of New Jersey, Ewing NJ

A state of constant change, an everlasting creative flow. Thirteen emerging artists explore what’s in their periphery, absorb and transform the world around them, each on their own journey navigating the here and now. What is it like to see through their eyes, how their converging identities construct their realities? On the verge of self-discovery, these artists push boundaries, shift perspectives and adapt to an ever-changing culture. Through immersive installation, sculpture, painting, photography, printmaking and multimedia, each of the artists presents an introspective experience that not only reflects the development within themselves, but celebrates all that leads up to an evolving breakthrough.

Epoch, 2021. Madison Cascardo
Spray foam insulation, wire, newspaper, plywood, spray paint, polycrylic spray. Approximately
72” x 42” (top), 48” x 30” (bottom).

Epoch is a reimaged context of time, through the geographic exploration of the stalactite
and stalagmite. Through installation, this geological feature is a used metaphor to constitute for
the actions that create outcomes. Even a drop computes to the overall growth of a stalagmite, as
does the events that impact our lives. A self-portrait if you will, up for interpretation, Epoch is
the process of time of human experience.
Fascinated with how one can manipulate materials, spray installation is a prominent,
explorative medium to adapt with. The use of an everyday material that is attached to the
purpose of filling cracks and foundations, sparked an interest with the idea of home. Most of the
ideas of what we call home can relate back to parts of our lives that may have been significant.
While time is a leading contribution to the form of a stalactite and stalagmite, it takes millions of
years for the chemical process to then eventually touch. This open space in between, holds room
for growth from both ends of the geological feature. Epoch holds a curiosity for me, a mirror
image of how I have developed.

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